Bunias orientalis L., SE: Ryssgubbe, DE: Orientalisches Zackenschötchen,
NL: Grote hardvrucht, UK: Turkish wartycabbage

Scientific name:  Bunias orientalis L.
Swedish name:  Ryssgubbe
German name:  Orientalisches Zackenschötchen
Nederlandse naam:  Grote hardvrucht
English name:  Turkish wartycabbage
Plant Family:  Brassicaceae - Cruciferae, Mustard family, Korsblommiga växter

Sweden Flowers - Vilda blommor i Sverige

Life form:  Biennial, perennial forb
Stems:  Height 60–100 cm
Leaves:   lower leaves with sharply-pointed lobes, up to 12' long, and not clasping; upper leaves smaller; all somewhat hairy
Flowers:  Regular (actinomorphic). 4 yellow petals, 4–7 mm long; 4 sepals, greenish, clearly shorter than petals; pistil two fused carpels; 6 stamens six, two of them short, four long.yellow, 4-parted, 1/3"-1/2" wide; inflorescence several, loose clusters (racemes) of stalked, fragrant flowers
Flowering Period:  June July
Habitat:  Disturbed habitats, along roads and railways

Sweden, Nature, Travel, Wild Flowers

Derivation of the botanical name:
Bunias, name used by Dioscorides.
orientalis, "eastern", "oriental"; of the East.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.

Wild Bloemen in Zweden