Butomus umbellatus, SE: Blomvass, DE: Schwanenblume,
NL: Zwanenbloem, UK: Flowering Rush

Scientific name:  Butomus umbellatus L.
Swedish name:  Blomvass
German name:  Schwanenblume
Nederlandse naam:  Zwanenbloem
English name:  Flowering Rush
Family:  Butomaceae, Flowering-rush family, Blomvassväxter

Sweden Flowers, Butomus umbellatus, Blomvass, Schwanenblume, Zwanenbloem, Flowering Rush

Life form:  Geophyte
Stems:  Fleshy rhizomes; up to 150 cm; cylindrical stalks
Leaves:  Rosette arrangement, alternate, three angled, fleshy, twisted ends
Flowers:   3 large pink petals; 3 sepals under the petals are also pink and look like small petals; Inflorescences with 20-25 flowers
Fruits / pods:  Dark brown, beaked fruits, 1 cm long, and split at maturity to release the seeds
Habitat:  Streams, ponds, ditches, in nutrient-rich lakes
Distribution:  Quite common in southern, central Sweden, and Norrland coast, in the rest of the country rare or absent

Butomus umbellatus, Blomvass, Schwanenblume, Zwanenbloem, Flowering Rush

Derivation of the botanical name:
Butomus, bous, ox; temmo, to cut; in allusion to the sharp leaf margins; boutomus, boutomon was the ancient Greek name for a sedge.
umbellatus, furnished with umbels.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.
Flowering-rush spreads through rhizomes and rhizome branches that break off to form new plants.