Carex flava, SE: Knagglestarr, DE: Echte Gelb-Segge,
NL: Gele zegge, UK: Large Yellow-sedge

Scientific name:  Carex flava L.
Swedish name:  Knagglestarr
German name:  Echte Gelb-Segge
Nederlandse naam:  Gele zegge
English name:  Large Yellow-sedge
Plant Family:  Cyperaceae, Halvgräs

Sweden, Wildflowers, Travel, Destination

Life form:  Tufted plants with short rhizomes
Stems:  Height 5-40 cm, smooth 3-sided
Leaves:  Bright yellow-green leaves basal and cauline, flat, mostly about half a centimeter wide
Flowers:  Large curved or sharply downcurved utricles, usually >3.8mm long, gradually tapering into a long 1.5-3mm beak with a noticeable toothed margin of usually 5-11 bristles on each side; single terminal spikelet with male florets has adjacent female spikelets clustered around it
Flowering Period:  June
Fruits:  Grey-green, weakly ribbed with a smooth, notched beak
Habitat:  Wet meadows, forested wetlands, bogs and shores of streams and lakes

Vilda blommor i Sverige

Derivation of the botanical name:
Carex, cutter, from sharp leaf and stem edges.
flava, bright almost pure yellow.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.
Carex flava prefers mineral-rich fens, which are often slightly calcareous.

Sweden, Travel, Nature