Eriophorum angustifolium, SE: Ängsull, DE: Schmalblättriges Wollgras,
NL: Veenpluis, UK: Tall cottongrass, Tall cottonsedge

Scientific name:  Eriophorum angustifolium Honck.
Swedish name:  Ängsull
German name:  Schmalblättriges Wollgras
Nederlandse naam:  Veenpluis
English name:  Tall cottongrass, Tall cottonsedge
Family:  Cyperaceae, Sedge Family, Halvgräs

Sweden Flowers, Eriophorum angustifolium, Ängsull, Schmalblättriges Wollgras, Veenpluis, Common cottongrass, Common cottonsedge

Life form:  Creeping rhizome
Stems:  Height 20-80cm
Leaves:  Leaf blade is flat or rolled in at the edges
Flowers:  Flower heads with many small flowers arranged in spikelets, emerging from inside the stem and gradually growing taller
Flowering Period:  April-July
Fruits:  Achene, dark brown with cotton-like hairs; the fruit is triangular to terete (circular) in cross-section
Habitat:  In bogs and swamps
Distribution:  Throughout the country

Eriophorum angustifolium, Ängsull, Schmalblättriges Wollgras, Veenpluis, Common cottongrass, Common cottonsedge

Derivation of the botanical name:
Eriophorum from the Greek, erion, "wool", and forew (phoreo), "to bring or carry"; hence, "wool bearing."
angustifolium angustus, "drawn together, narrow"; folium, leaf; meaning narrow leaved.
  • The standard author abbreviation Honck. is used to indicate Gerhard August Honckeny (1724 – 1805) , a German botanist.

Flowers in Sweden, Eriophorum angustifolium, Ängsull, Schmalblättriges Wollgras, Veenpluis, Common cottongrass, Common cottonsedge