Eriophorum latifolium, SE: Gräsull, DE: Breitblättriges Wollgras,
NL: Breed wollegras, UK: Broad-leaved Cotton Grass

Scientific name:  Eriophorum latifolium Hoppe
Swedish name:  Gräsull; synonym: bredbladig ängsull
German name:  Breitblättriges Wollgras
Nederlandse naam:  Breed wollegras
English name:  Broad-leaved Cotton Grass
Family:  Cyperaceae, Halvgräs, Sedge Family

Sweden, Botany, Wildflowers, Nature

Life form:  Laxly caespitose; Perennial
Stems:  Height 25-45 cm, tufted stems rough stalks with minute teeth; peduncle scabrid
Leaves:  3-8 mm wide, flat
Flowers:  Cottony heads c. 1-3 cm long; 2 to 12 heads
Flowering Period:  April-June
Fruits:  Seedlike achenia; Pappus hairs forked at ends
Habitat:  Fens, calcareous flushes, bare stony non-calcareous flushes, dune slacks, often on firm ground.
Distribution:  From Skåne to Jämtland; further north it is rare

Eriophorum latifolium, Gräsull, Breitblättriges Wollgras, Breed Wollegras, Broad-leaved Cotton Grass

Derivation of the botanical name:
Eriophorum from the Greek, erion, "wool", and forew (phoreo), "to bring or carry"; hence, "wool bearing",
latifolium, Latin latus, Latin, broad; folium, leaves, broad-bladed.
  • The standard author abbreviation Hoppe is used to indicate David Heinrich Hoppe (1760 – 1846), a German pharmacist, botanist and physician.

Wilda Flora in Zweden