Galium album, Galium erectum, SE: Stormåra, DE: Weißes Labkraut ,
NL: Glad walstro, UK: Hedge Bedstraw, white bedstraw

Scientific name:  Galium album Mill.
Synonym name:  G. erectum Huds., G. mollugo auct., G. mollugo ssp. erectum Syme, G. mollugo var. angustifolium Leeds, G. mollugo var. erectum auct.
Swedish name:  Stormåra
German name:  Weißes Labkraut
Nederlandse naam:  Glad walstro
English name:  Hedge Bedstraw, white bedstraw
Family:  Rubiaceae, Bedstraw family, Måreväxter

Sweden Flowers, Galium album, Galium erectum, Stormåra, Weißes Labkraut, Glad walstro, Hedge Bedstraw, white bedstraw

Life form:  Perennial
Stems:  Height 30-100cm; square, erect to procumbent, glabrous or hairy
Leaves:  spear-shaped leaves in whorls
Flowers:  Flowers 4 white petals; inflorescences very large, branching, bushy
Flowering Period:  June-August
Fruits:  Double achenes, crescent-shaped
Habitat:  In all sorts of cultural impact chips, which slopes, meadows and roadsides
Distribution:  From Skåne to Lapland

Galium album, Galium erectum, Stormåra, Weißes Labkraut, Glad walstro, Hedge Bedstraw, white bedstraw

Derivation of the botanical name:
Galium from Greek word gala, "milk," and alluding to the fact that certain species were used to curdle milk.
album, white, and refers to the flower color.
  • The standard author abbreviation Mill. is used to indicate Philip Miller (1691 – 1771), a botanist of Scottish descent.

Flowers in Sweden, Wildflowers, Nature

Galium album, Galium erectum, Stormåra, Weißes Labkraut, Glad walstro, Hedge Bedstraw, white bedstraw