Hieracium L. sect. Tridentata, SE: Styvfibblor, DE: Habichtskraut,
NL: Havikskruid, UK: Hawkweed

Scientific name:  Hieracium L. sect. Tridentata (Fr.) Gremli
Swedish name:  Styvfibblor
German name:  Habichtskraut
Nederlandse naam:  Havikskruid
English name:  Hawkweed
Family:  Asteraceae / Compositae, Sunflower family, Korgblommiga växter

Sweden Flowers, Hieracium sect. Tridentata, Styvfibblor,  Habichtskraut, Havikskruid, Hawkweed

Life form:  Perennial herb
Stems:  Height 20-120cm, erect, numerous stalked stem leaves
Leaves:  Lanceolate, stiff hairy star hairy
Flowers:  Yellow
Flowering Period:  July-August
Fruits:  Dark brown with whitish hair brush
Habitat:  Forest edges, roadsides, dry forests and heaths.
Distribution:  Throughout the country

Hieracium sect. Tridentata, Styvfibblor,  Habichtskraut, Havikskruid, Hawkweed

Derivation of the botanical name:
Hieracium from ancient Greek hierax, "a hawk". Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE) believed that hawks fed on this plant to strengthen their eyesight and thus it became the Greek and Latin name for this and similar plants, called hawkweed.
Tridentata, three-toothed.
  • The standard author abbreviation Fr. is used to indicate Elias Magnus Fries (1794 – 1878), a Swedish mycologist and botanist.
  • The standard author abbreviation Gremli is used to indicate August Gremli (1833 – 1899), a Swiss physician and botanist.

Flowers in Sweden, Wildflowers, Hieracium sect. Tridentata, Styvfibblor,  Habichtskraut, Havikskruid, Hawkweed