Scientific name: | Hypericum perforatum L. | |
Swedish name: | Äkta johannesört, johannesört, randpirk, äkta mannablod | |
German name: | Echtes Johanniskraut, | |
Nederlandse naam: | Sint-janskruid | |
English name: | Perforate St John's-wort | |
Plant Family: | Clusiaceae/Guttiferae, St. John's Wort Family, Johannesörtsväxter |
![]() Location: Hammarstrand |
Life form: | Perennial herb | |
Stems: | Erect, Stems erect, up to 5.3 mm diam., terete, two raised lines down the stem | |
Leaves: | Opposite, elongate-elliptical, sessile to the stem, tapering toward the tip, and with translucent dots | |
Flowers: | yellow,5 petals, petals with black dots around the margin and flower with 3 styles. Flowers numerous and clustered near the apex of the plant. | |
Flowering Period: | July-September | |
Fruits: | Capsule, 4.5–8.5 mm long, 2.8–4.0 mm wide, ovoid, brown or light brown, vesicular glands prominent on surface | |
Habitat: | Woods, thickets, coast, pastureland, meadows, farmland and settlements |
![]() Location: Hammarstrand Derivation of the botanical name: Hypericum, hyper, "above," and eikon, "picture," from old practice of placing flowers above an image in the house to ward off evil spirits at the midsummer festival of Walpurgisnacht, which later became feast of St. John. perforatum, perforat, "to bore through, pierce, perforate". Perforated, with the paired leaves joined at the base and thus 'perforated' by the stem.
![]() Location: Hammarstrand |