Scientific name: | Nymphaea alba L. | |
Swedish name: | Vit näckros, sjöblad; sydnäckros, nordnäckros | |
German name: | Weiße Seerose | |
Nederlandse naam: | Witte waterlelie | |
English name: | White Water-Lily | |
Plant Family: | Nymphaeaceae, Water-lily family, Näckrosväxter |
![]() Location: Hammarstrand |
Life form: | Geophyte | |
Stems: | Underwater stem, which is buried in the mud and sends down rootlets for anchorage; length of an underwater stem equal to the length of its petiole | |
Leaves: | Rosette, entire, long, roundish or oval, long-stalked; dark green and glossy above, reddish-brown below. | |
Flowers: | White, Regular, bowl shaped, 5–12 cm wide. Ca. 20 white or, rarely, red petals and four sepals. The receptacle tapers abruptly towards the flower stalk. The anthers are deep yellow. The pistil is of several fused carpels. | |
Flowering Period: | June-August | |
Fruits: | Develop under water; fleshy berry that resembles a capsule; when the seeds are ripe and released they rice back to the surface. | |
Habitat: | Fresh water |
![]() Location: Hammarstrand Derivation of the botanical name: Nymphaea from the Greek term "Νυμφαία", possibly related to "Νύμφη" meaning "nymph". The nymphs in Greek and Roman mythology were supernatural feminine, attractive and playful water nymphs of the same habitat. alba, "white".
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