Rhinanthus minor, Alectorolophus minor, SE: Ängsskallra, liten höskallra,
DE: Kleiner Klappertopf, NL: Kleine ratelaar, UK: Yellow-rattle

Scientific name:  Rhinanthus minorL.
Synonym name:  Alectorolophus minor (L.) Wimm. & Grab.
Swedish name:  Ängsskallra, liten höskallra
German name:  Kleiner Klappertopf
Nederlandse naam:  Kleine ratelaar
English name:  Yellow-rattle, Cockscomb
Family:  Orobanchaceae, Broomrape Family, Snyltrotsväxter

Flowers in Sweden
Location: Jämtland, Ragunda

Life form:  Hemi-parasitic herbaceous annual plant
Stems:  Erect, simple or branched, 4- angular and often streaked or spotted black
Leaves:  Opposite, simple, serrate
Flowers:  Yellow flowers on a terminal raceme
Flowering Period:  June, July, August
Fruits:  Brown, flat capsule inside calyx
Habitat:  Meadow, pastureland, roadsides

Flora, Sweden, Send Flowers
Location: Jämtland, Ragunda

Derivation of the botanical name:
Rhinanthus, rhin for "snout" and anthos for flower.
minor, "smaller", superlative of parvus small, little, insignificant.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.
  • The standard author abbreviation Wimm. is used to indicate Christian Friedrich Heinrich Wimmer (1803 - 1868), a German botanist and educator.
  • The standard author abbreviation Grab. is used to indicate Heinrich Emanuel Grabowski / Henryk Grabowski (1792 - 1842), a German botanist and pharmacist of Polish heritage who was a native of Leobschütz (today known as Glubczyce, Poland).

Flowers in Sweden