Salix caprea, SE: Sälg, vanlig sälg, DE: Sal-Weide,
NL: Boswilg, UK: Goat Willow

Scientific name:  Salix caprea L.
Swedish name:  Sälg, vanlig sälg
German name:  Sal-Weide
Nederlandse naam:  Boswilg
English name:  Goat Willow
Family:  Salicaceae, Videväxter

Flowers of Sweden - Vilda blommor i Sverige

Life form:  Deciduous shrub or tree (3-5 m)
Stems:  Multi-stemmed shrub that can grow as tall as 15 m; greyish, rough bark; new growth reddish-brown
Leaves:  Large, oval; upperside is bare or hairy, usually dark green and the underside is nice velvet SHAGGY
Flowers:  Dioecious; male trees catkins, pinkish gray and woolly; female trees produce smaller greenish catkins
Flowering Period:  April, May
Fruits:  Capsule is sessile, elongated and gray-green, 5-10 mm long containing numerous minute seeds embedded in fine cottony hairs.
Habitat:  Throughout the country; riverbanks and lake shores

Swedish Wildflowers

Derivation of the botanical name:
Salix, Latin name for the willow and meaning "to leap or spring" in reference to its fast growth.
Caprea, a wild she-goat.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.
Salix caprea, Goat Willow, is thought to come from the first known illustration of the species in Hieronymus Bock's 16th-century Herbal (1498 - 1554), where the tree is shown being eaten by a goat. Hieronymus Bock (Latinised Tragus) was a German botanist, physician, and Lutheran minister.

Zweden Bloemen Natuur

vilda blommor i Sverige

Flowers in Sweden