Solidago canadensis, SE: Kanadensiskt gullris, kanadagullris,
DE: Kanadische Goldrute, NL: Canadese guldenroede,
UK: Canadian Goldenrod

Scientific name:  Solidago canadensisL.
Swedish name:  Kanadensiskt gullris, kanadagullris
German name:  Kanadische Goldrute
Nederlandse naam:  Canadese guldenroede
English name:  Canada Goldenrod
Family:  Asteraceae - Compositae, Aster family, Korgblommiga växter

Botany, Nature, Wildflowers, Sweden

Life form:  Perennial
Stems:  Height 30-150 cm, erect, arching at the top; pubescent
Leaves:  Alternate, lanceolate to broadly linear; lanceolate, long attenuate, pubescent beneath, with margins mostly serrate, with 2 prominent lateral veins
Inflorescence:  Broad pyramidal panicle with a central axis and recurving branches; flowers on one side of stem
Flowers:  Tiny yellow flowerheads; disc florets usually fewer than ray florets; corolla 2.4-2.8 mm long
Flowering Period:  September, October
Fruits:  Achene, longitudinally ribbed, slightly hairy, small tufts of hair
Habitat:  cultivated land, as land, roadsides, railway embankments
Distribution:  xx

Solidago canadensis, Kanadensiskt gullris, kanadagullris, Kanadische Goldrute, Canadese guldenroede, Canadian Goldenrod

Derivation of the botanical name:
Solidago, from Latin solidare, to join," or "to make whole". This indicates that it once had a reputation as a healer.
canadensis, of or referring to Canada.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.

Solidago canadensis, Kanadensiskt gullris, kanadagullris, Kanadische Goldrute, Canadese guldenroede, Canadian Goldenrod

Solidago canadensis, Kanadensiskt gullris, kanadagullris, Kanadische Goldrute, Canadese guldenroede, Canadian Goldenrod

Flora of Sweden online, Native plants, Sverige