Solidago virgaurea, SE: Gullris, DE: Gewöhnliche Goldrute,
NL: Echte guldenroede, UK: Goldenrod

Scientific name:  Solidago virgaurea L.
Synonym name:  Solidago lapponica With.
Swedish name:  Gullris, guldris
German name:  Gewöhnliche Goldrute
Nederlandse naam:  Echte guldenroede
English name:  Goldenrod
Plant Family:  Asteraceae - Compositae, Korgblommiga växter

Ragunda, Jamtland, Flowers of Sweden
Location: Ragunda

Life form:  Herbaceous perennial plant
Stem:  Straight erect, sub-simple, sub-angular; several stems grow in a clump
Leaves:  Entire, lance-shaped, dentate, hairy
Flowers:  Branched spikes of gold-yellow flowers
Flowering Period:  July, August, September
Fruit:  Downy, with numerous ribs, and the pappus hairs in more than one row, rough.
Habitat:  Forest, thickets, heath, coast, farmland, settlements

Vilda blommor i Sverige
Location: Ragunda

Derivation of the botanical name:
Solidago, from Latin solidare, to join," or "to make whole". This indicates that it once had a reputation as a healer.
virgaurea, virga, a slender green branch, twig, sprout; rod, switch; wand, cane. aureus, of gold, golden; golden rod.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.
  • The standard author abbreviation With. is used to indicate William Withering (1741 – 1799), an English botanist, geologist, chemist, physician and the discoverer of digitalis.
Solidago virgaurea contains saponins, which are antifungal.

John Gerard wrote in 1597, "It hath in times past, beene had in greater estimation and regard than in these daies"..."Extolled above all other herbes for the stopping of bloud in bleeding wounds," winning it the nickname of woundwort.