Stellaria graminea, SE: Grässtjärnblomma, DE: Gras-Sternmiere,
NL: Grasmuur, UK: Lesser Stitchwort

Scientific name:  Stellaria graminea L.
Swedish name:  Grässtjärnblomma
German name:  Gras-Sternmiere
Nederlandse naam:  Grasmuur
English name:   Lesser Stitchwort
Plant Family:  Caryophyllaceae, Nejlikväxter, Pink Family

Stellaria graminea, Grässtjärnblomma, Gras-Sternmiere, Grasmuur, Lesser Stitchwort

Life form:  Perennial
Stems:  Central stem is glabrous, 4-angled, and rather weak, causing the plant to lean over in the absence of supportive vegetation.
Leaves:  Opposite, lanceolate-linear or linear, smooth along the margins, sessile, and glabrous
Flowers:  Each flower has a corolla with 5 deeply divided white petals (which can appear to be 10 petals), 10 stamens with brown or reddish brown anthers, a green pistil with 3 styles, and 5 green sepals that are lanceolate. Each sepal has 3 conspicuous veins along its outer surface, which is also somewhat ciliate or pubescent. The petals of the flower are longer than the sepals.
Flowering Period:  June, July, August
Fruits:  Straw-colored or light brown seed capsule, numerous small seeds; Capsule ovoid-oblongoid and open at the top, where a few erect teeth occur along the upper rim. Each seed is oval-orbicular and somewhat flattened; its surface is rough and pebbly.
Habitat:  Coast, pastureland, meadows, farmland, settlements

Flowers in Sweden

Derivation of the botanical name:
Stellaria, from the Latin stella for "star" because of the star-like shape of the flowers.
graminea, of or pertaining to grass, grassy; grass like.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.

Ragunda, Jamtland, Flora of Sweden, Vilda blommor i Sverige