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Red (Pink, Red-violet, Red-purple) |
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The Green Wildflowers - Gröna Blommor gallery
Green flowers often have a hint of violet, red, yellow or brown.
Gröna blommor har ofta en antydan av violett, rott, gult eller brunt.
Click on the thumbnails to view the plant pages
 Alchemilla vulgaris SE: Daggkåpa DE: Frauenmantel NL: Vrouwenmantel UK: Lady's mantle,
 Angelica archangelica Angelica officinalis SE:Kvanne, Angelika DE: Arznei-Engelwurz NL: Grote engelwortel UK: Garden Angelica
 Betula pendula, Betula verrucosa SE: Vårtbjörk, hängbjörk DE: Hänge-Birke, Weißbirke NL: Ruwe berk UK: Silver Birch, Swedish Birch
 Carex flava SE: Knagglestarr DE: Echte Gelb-Segge NL: Gele zegge UK: Large Yellow-sedge
 Chamomilla suaveolens Matricaria discoidea Matricaria suaveolens SE: Gatkamomill DE: Strahlenlose Kamille NL: Schijfkamille UK: Pineappleweed, Wild chamomile
 Dactylis glomerata SE: Hundäxing DE: Gewöhnliche Knäuelgras NL: Kropaar UK: Cock's-foot, orchard grass
 Equisetum fluviatile Equisetum limosum SE: Sjöfräken, dyfräken DE: Teich-Schachtelhalm NL: Holpijp UK: Water horsetail
 Equisetum sylvaticum SE: Skogsfräken DE: Wald-Schachtelhalm NL: Bospaardenstaart UK: wood horsetail
 Heracleum sphondylium Heracleum sibiricum SE: Björnloka DE: Wiesen-Bärenklau NL: Gewone berenklauw> UK: Common Hogweed
 Lycopodium annotinum SE: Revlummer DE: Sprossender Bärlapp NL: Stekende wolfsklauw UK: Stiff Clubmoss
 Lycopodium clavatum SE: Mattlummer, DE: Keulen-Bärlapp NL: Grote wolfsklauw UK: Wolf's-foot clubmoss Running Ground Pine
 Matricaria discoidea Matricaria matricarioides Matricaria suaveolens SE: Gatkamomill DE: Strahlenlose Kamille NL: Schijfkamille UK: Pineappleweed Rayless chamomile
 Paris quadrifolia SE: Ormbär DE: Vierblättrige Einbeere NL: Eenbes UK: Herb Paris, True-lover's Knot
 Phleum pratense Phleum nodosum SE: Timotej DE: Wiesen-Lieschgras NL: Timoteegras UK: Timothy-grass
 Picea abies SE: Gran DE: Fichte NL: Fijnspar UK: Norway Spruce
 Plantago major SE: Groblad DE: Breitwegerich NL: Grote weegbree UK: Broadleaf plantain Greater plantain
 Ribes rubrum SE: Röda vinbär DE: Rote Johannisbeere NL: Aalbes UK: Redcurrant, Garden currant
 Ribes spicatum SE: Skogsvinbär DE: Rote Johannisbeere NL: Noordse aalbes UK: Downy Currant Nordic Redcurrant Nordic Currant
 Urtica dioica SE: Brännässla DE: Große Brennnessel NL: Grote brandnetel UK: Common Nettle
 Urtica urens SE: Etternässla DE: Kleine Brennnessel NL: Kleine brandnetel UK: Small nettle